eprintid: 177 rev_number: 4 eprint_status: archive userid: 6 dir: disk0/00/00/01/77 datestamp: 2008-10-21 lastmod: 2015-05-29 19:48:45 status_changed: 2009-04-08 16:55:21 type: report metadata_visibility: show item_issues_count: 0 creators_name: Wheaton, Chad contributors_name: Aruliah, Dhavide contributors_name: Billings, Gary contributors_name: Birukou, Mikalai contributors_name: Dubash, Neville contributors_name: Fairbairn, Leslie contributors_name: Grossman, Jeff contributors_name: Hegewisch, Katherine contributors_name: Lee, Namyong contributors_name: Swain, Robin contributors_name: Slawinski, Michael contributors_name: Trenado, Carlos title: A Seismic Inversion Problem for an Anisotropic, Inhomogeneous Medium ispublished: pub subjects: utilities studygroups: ipsw6 companyname: Talisman Energy full_text_status: public abstract: In this report, we consider the propagation of seismic waves through a medium that can be subdivided into of two distinct parts. The upper part is assumed to be azimuthally symmetric, linearly nonuniform with increasing depth, and the velocity dependence with direction consistent with elliptical anisotropy. The lower part, which is the layer of interest, is assumed to also be azimuthally symmetric, but uniform and nonelliptically anisotropic. Despite nonellipticity, we assume the angular dependence of the velocity can be described by a convex curve. Our goal is to produce a single source-single receiver model which uses modern seismic measurements to determine the elastic moduli of the lower media. Once known, geoscientists could better describe the angular dependence of the velocity in the layer of interest and also would have some clues at to the actual material composing it. problem_statement: In the petroleum industry, many geoscientists rely on information provided by seismic data. Based on the interpretation of seismic data, geophysicists and geologists attempt to identify and target areas of economic importance, specifically hydrocarbon traps. We wish to extract from the data as much information as possible, and in particular are interested in measuring the physical properties of the rock through which seismic waves must propagate. date: 2002 date_type: published pages: 13 citation: Wheaton, Chad (2002) A Seismic Inversion Problem for an Anisotropic, Inhomogeneous Medium. [Study Group Report] document_url: http://miis.maths.ox.ac.uk/miis/177/1/talisman_energy.pdf