eprintid: 626 rev_number: 12 eprint_status: archive userid: 12 dir: disk0/00/00/06/26 datestamp: 2013-11-03 22:14:13 lastmod: 2015-05-29 20:14:57 status_changed: 2013-11-03 22:14:13 type: report metadata_visibility: show item_issues_count: 0 creators_name: Larsen, J. C. creators_name: Rasmussen, H. creators_name: Sorensen, A. title: Danish Maritime Institute: Dynamic Positioning System ispublished: pub subjects: discrete subjects: transport studygroups: esgi32 companyname: Danish Maritime Institute full_text_status: public abstract: In this report, we consider the holding problem for a ship with a given arrangement of thrusters, i.e., how to ensure that a shop, floating on the surface of the ocean, stays very nearly at rest with respect to the sea bed. We show that the holding problem for a given configuration can be solved in a time that increases at most linearly with the number of thrusters, which is an improvement on previous methods that grow exponentially. date: 1998 citation: Larsen, J. C. and Rasmussen, H. and Sorensen, A. (1998) Danish Maritime Institute: Dynamic Positioning System. [Study Group Report] document_url: http://miis.maths.ox.ac.uk/miis/626/1/p3_201310031518.pdf