The MIIS Eprints Archive

A Network Model of Alcoholism and Alcohol Policy

Buchanan, J.R. and Gleeson, J. and Braun, R. (2004) A Network Model of Alcoholism and Alcohol Policy. [Study Group Report]



The evolution of alcohol dependence in populations of people on different social networks is studied. Two models are studied. One is the evolution of the states of individuals on hypothesized social structures from a rewired connected caveman model. This model spans a range of social structures (networks) from very ordered to effectively random with small world structures in between. The second model is a zip-code-level model which uses data from a recent survey in Delaware. The model is a discrete model using 10 zip codes. The results show that the evolution of alcohol dependence, as governed by the simple rules that we use, depends sensitively on the network structure and a hypothetical treatment regime.

Item Type:Study Group Report
Problem Sectors:Food and Drink
Study Groups:US Workshop on Mathematical Problems in Industry > 20th MPI [Delaware 21/6/2004 - 25/6/2004]
Company Name:School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy, University of Delaware
ID Code:145
Deposited By: Richard Booth
Deposited On:27 Jun 2008
Last Modified:29 May 2015 19:48

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