The MIIS Eprints Archive

The Tennis Ball Problem

Cheng, Kell (2000) The Tennis Ball Problem. [Study Group Report]



Stereoscopic vision is a well-established phenomenon: biological evolution showed its utility in ancient times. In this workshop, we have examined some subtleties and limitations in applying this old concept to an entirely new application: with modern technology, we attempt to track the position of an early segment of a flying object, and then extrapolate its later trajectory.

Item Type:Study Group Report
Problem Sectors:None/Other
Study Groups:Canadian Industrial Problem Solving Workshops > IPSW 4 (Edmonton, Canada, May 29-Jun 3, 2000)
Company Name:VisionSmart
ID Code:166
Deposited By: Michele Taroni
Deposited On:07 Oct 2008
Last Modified:29 May 2015 19:48

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