The MIIS Eprints Archive

Cooling of jarred cheese spreads

Jenkins, D. and McElwain, S. (1996) Cooling of jarred cheese spreads. [Study Group Report]



An overall heat balance and a model for the cooling of an individual jar are derived for glass jars of cheese spread on Kraft's production line. Good agreement is found between the model predictions and temperature data collected by Kraft. A possible cause of boiling in the cheese is proposed and steps for its prevention are suggested.

Item Type:Study Group Report
Problem Sectors:Food and Drink
Study Groups:Australian and New Zealand Mathematics in Industry Study Group > MISG 1996
Company Name:Kraft Foods
ID Code:482
Deposited By: Dr Kamel Bentahar
Deposited On:19 Dec 2011 14:44
Last Modified:29 May 2015 20:05

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