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Items where Industrial Sector is "Social"

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Number of items at this level: 5.


Byatt-Smith, J. and Glasgow, C. and Grinfield, M. and Harris, S. and Lacey, A.A. and Smith, S.L. and Lowe, T. and Nikolopoulos, C. and Norgate, R. and Parker, D. and Parrott, K. and Please, C.P. and Smith, W. and Thomis, A. and Wattis, J. (1996) Homeless population. [Study Group Report]


Gower, R. and Zhu, S.-P. and Hon, B. (2002) Evaluation of costumer lifetime value. [Study Group Report]


Huang, H. (2002) Medical insurance after retirement: mathematical models. [Study Group Report]


Jakub, Lengiewicz and Krzysztof, Turek and Jacek, Lewkowicz and Poul, Hjorth and Agnieszka, Kaszkowiak and Anna, Kortyka and Mariusz, Marczewski and John, Ockendon and Wojciech, Okrasinski and Zbigniew, Peradzynski and Piotr, Wojdyllo and Karolina, Wojtasik and Maciej, Zmuda (2011) Models and measures to evaluate the effectiveness of funds utilization for scientific research and development of advanced technologies. [Study Group Report]


Masinga, L.C. and Sherwell, D.S. and Myburgh, C. (2006) HIV modelling in a labour force. [Study Group Report]

This list was generated on Thu Aug 5 16:11:07 2021 BST.