The MIIS Eprints Archive

Modifications to the language "Orion"

=, = (1985) Modifications to the language "Orion". [Study Group Report]



ORION is a mathematical modelling language, which has both declarative and procedural semantics.

The problem posed to the Study Group is the specification of a specialized evaluator which can be used when the computation is indeterminate in detail, but does in fact contain enough information to produce a solution.

Item Type:Study Group Report
Problem Sectors:None/Other
Information and communication technology
Study Groups:Australian and New Zealand Mathematics in Industry Study Group > MISG 1985
Company Name:Interactive Engineering
ID Code:414
Deposited By: Dr Kamel Bentahar
Deposited On:30 Nov 2011 12:48
Last Modified:29 May 2015 20:02

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