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Cyber Threats Optimization for e-government Services

Politov, V. and Minchev, Z. and Crotti, P. and Boyadzhiev, D. and Bojkova, M. and Mateev, P. (2014) Cyber Threats Optimization for e-government Services. [Study Group Report]



A discrete model of e-government (e-gov) services, encompassing: n different components – state bodies (e.g. ministries, agencies etc., engaged after the legal basis regulations), working during m time intervals are used.
One of the key measures that assure the model reliable work is the prevention from cyber attacks that will block the available e-gov services.
In order to achieve business continuity of these services, a certain amount of funding has to be invested. The correct spending of these funds will assure external interventions block or repairing after passed cyber attacks.

Item Type:Study Group Report
Problem Sectors:Aerospace and defence
Information and communication technology
Study Groups:European Study Group with Industry > ESGI 104 (Sofia, Bulgaria, Sep 23-27 2014)
Company Name:STEMO Ltd.
ID Code:680
Deposited By: Stuart Thomson2
Deposited On:08 Jan 2015 16:50
Last Modified:29 May 2015 20:18

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