The MIIS Eprints Archive

Modelling Quality and Warranty Cost

Nigam, Nilima (2003) Modelling Quality and Warranty Cost. [Study Group Report]



The main aim of this project was to begin a modelling effort directed at optimizing the warranty and quality costs associated with the production of a system with both hardware and software components. This optimization would be constrained by the need to maintain reliability of the product, while staying within an operational budget. Our aim was to identify important quality attributes, and capture overall trends in costs and warranties.

Item Type:Study Group Report
Problem Sectors:None/Other
Information and communication technology
Study Groups:Canadian Industrial Problem Solving Workshops > IPSW 7 (Calgary, Canada, May 25-29, 2003)
Company Name:Lucent Technologies
ID Code:186
Deposited By: Michele Taroni
Deposited On:31 Oct 2008
Last Modified:29 May 2015 19:48

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